5 Photo books you should knoiw about

With all the digital content being consumed today, I wanted to share five photo books with you that not only provide great art and photos, but also plenty of inspiration. Definitely worth a look and will enhance any coffee table.

1. Magnum Contact Sheets

Superb book by one of the world's greatest photographer collectives. The book not only shows great photos, but also the contact sheets of the pictures. As a reader, you can immerse yourself a little in the selection process of the final photo and get great insights and other photos from the situation that was ultimately selected. Unusual design, which is based on the contact sheets. It is exciting to see how film photos were edited back then and what changes the photographers made. The book contains some of the most famous photographs in the world and the texts provide great insights behind the scenes and exciting background information.

2. Civilization

A collection of images by various photographers who have explored the theme of ‘urban life’. In addition to detailed texts on modern life and life in urban centres, the book, together with the photos, provides food for thought to question one's own way of life. An exciting photo book of a different kind!

3. Robert Frank in America

In this book, Robert Frank presents the photos that didn't make it into his big book ‘The Americans’, but are still worth seeing. Robert Frank travelled through America for a long time with his camera and took thousands of photos. The book shows life across the United States of America with a socially critical eye. Exciting pictures, especially for non-US citizens, for whom it all seems new.

4. Ice is black

Very interesting work, which shows pictures from the Arctic. Characterised by hard black and white contrasts, many landscape and animal photos can be seen. The already white landscape of the polar region is reduced to the essentials by the omission of colour. Animals and other objects thus stand out even more quickly in the landscape and you really concentrate exclusively on the motif.

5. All about Saul Leiter

This book deals with the legendary photographer Saul Leiter. He himself is not the editor, but his work is viewed from the outside. There is virtually no text in the book, but the pictures are outstanding. An absolute tip for anyone who needs a little inspiration for their street photos!

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London, UK
Dominik Mattern

I’m a photographer and content creator based in Berlin. I take pictures and create content for businesses and people who want to expose their online presence.


The camera bag every photographer needs!


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